Homeschooling Basics Talk at Graham Library
We had a wonderful time last Monday night at the Graham Library doing our presentation on Homeschooling Basics.

Amy French prepared a great Powerpoint presentation for those who are interested in started homeschooling or want to know more about it. (See outline below.) I love her passion and energy while presenting. She is an amazing researcher who always bases her points on journal articles and facts. Leah was there too and able to help out afterwards with questions about education. Her experience in the classroom and gift for teaching make her presence invaluable. With my knowledge of curriculums and homeschooling experience, we make a great team.

The audience in Graham was so thankful. They appreciated all the information and they asked so many good questions. We spoke on issues of socialization, state requirements and curriculum choices.

The presentation itself entails everything I wish I had known when I started homeschooling.

Please contact us if you would like to see this presentation in your community!